


Task #3110

Updated by victor piousbox about 1 year ago

Required technologies: Ubuntu (can use docker), php 8.1, drupal, git

In this project:

I get deprecation messages when an email is sent. The email is still sent! This is not an error per se, this is a deprecation warning being shown as an error.

It's best to actually fix the error, however! I don't need this error to be fixed, if you can just avoid showing the deprecation error.

There are two ways to solve this: either fix the problem with the rules module, or turn off deprecation reporting so that the message isn't shown.

Here is the error message I get:


Here is my composer file and lock: [ATTACHED].

I can also provide the database (mysql) dump.

I can also provide SMTP credentials, and other configuration necessary to start the project locally.
