

victor piousbox




12:45 PM [P] Infinite Shelter Task #3491 (New): BJJCollective Drupal Migration Task

I have an existing website: that I would like converted to Drupal 9.5 . This old websit...
victor piousbox


11:41 AM [P] Infinite Shelter Task #3410 (New): How to create a simple reminders system for a calendar
I have an design/architecture and documentation/reference question for Drupal 9.5.
Suppose I'm building a custom c...
victor piousbox


02:14 PM [P] Infinite Shelter Task #3310 (New): The Task: To provide a different form for creating an Article Content Type, depending on the role (Drupal 9.5)
For administrator (this role is also called the owner), the default admin theme should be unchanged.
For Contribut...
victor piousbox


11:52 PM [P] Infinite Shelter Task #3260 (New): scrape H3 titles from wsj.
victor piousbox
10:23 PM [P] Infinite Shelter Task #3259 (New): talk about panama papers again
victor piousbox
10:23 PM [P] Infinite Shelter Task #3258 (New): Talk about twitter files
victor piousbox


03:26 PM [P] Infinite Shelter Task #3228 (New): Scraper: get the whole list of all videos of a channel, into a db (paginate)
victor piousbox
10:42 AM [P] Infinite Shelter Task #3227 (New): Create a *selenium* project driven by *ruby* to fill out web forms

* CL pay, CL free
* auto share-to-linkedin ?
victor piousbox


06:53 PM [P] Infinite Shelter Task #3186 (New): email filters, should be able to "sort by new"
* add the column "updated_at", and that's about it. victor piousbox


06:58 PM [P] Infinite Shelter Task #3137 (New): Write a Drupal controller (form submission method) that publishes to Instagram, when some Content is created
* This is a medium-difficulty task.
* I am available to help setup, answer questions, provide advice
* publishing o...
victor piousbox

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