



From 2022-08-17 to 2022-09-15


05:05 PM [P] Infinite Shelter Task #2586 (New): [parent] 2022-09 User Interaction Improvements
* Register, login modals should be scrollable for tiny devices victor piousbox


06:18 PM [P] Infinite Shelter Bugfix #2582 (New): bugfix: gallery outside locations view must scroll!

Gallery inside location view:
victor piousbox
04:52 PM [P] Infinite Shelter Task #2579 (New): greatly reduce load of newsitems on api locationView. page size 10, and much less data there.
victor piousbox
03:14 PM [P] Infinite Shelter Bugfix #2577 (New): Videos do not refresh on transitioning between locations, but should.
I don't know why this issue happens.
This is a difficult task - probably best to do some other tasks before this o...
victor piousbox


10:26 PM [P] Infinite Shelter Bugfix #2576 (Done): Handle looks wrong when folded-right
victor piousbox


07:43 PM [P] Infinite Shelter Bugfix #2572 (New): Gotta scroll to top when changing location

This is a tiny task.
victor piousbox


04:42 PM [P] Infinite Shelter Bugfix #2563 (New): should not reload the page on unsuccessful login!
victor piousbox


02:54 PM [P] Infinite Shelter Bugfix #2554 (New): 3rd image thumb should display in NewsitemGalleries

Currently, the NewsitemsGallery component shows two photos, but there is space there for three. See the attached im...
victor piousbox
02:53 PM [P] Infinite Shelter Task #2553 (New): Better message if email is unconfirmed (and better email letter styling! this will play into office_suite namespace, too)
Better message if email is unconfirmed (and better email letter styling! this will play into office_suite namespace, ... victor piousbox

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