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Task #1768: [parent] Premium Functionality
Bugfix #772: photos in a premium gallery should not show twice
Bugfix #1747: allow a premium gallery (currently its only reports)
Task #2628: a newsitem that's not purchased should not be SEO-friendly, should not be so clickable.
Task #1432: Festivals List
Task #1435: Things to do in Austin
Task #1661: Whiskey - ledaig
Task #1921: Fiverr :: content :: convert the wiki page "movies" into the category, streaming shows discovery.
Task #1991: make slug generation automatic on gallery creation
Task #2014: Improve image uploader. give me back the count, any errors, and put all on a grid, not a line. have links to "large", "original" right away
Task #2612: [parent] 2022-09 More Styling
Task #2033: should be able to create a newsitem in a non-public location
Task #2051: galleries in a location should be two-per-row, looks nice.
Task #2579: greatly reduce load of newsitems on api locationView. page size 10, and much less data there.
Bugfix #2715: Changing a thumb of a Map should give you the option to change thumbs of all markers leading to this location.
Task #2068: Threejs: implement crash of cars
Task #2100: UIUX: Buying, and equipping, avatars
Task #2129: Make deleting a photo ajax.
Task #2132: Content: Writing: Common tinder scams
Task #2328: Bulk-move photos between albums
Task #2393: Create a new chrome extension... for overriding css. The russian one I'm using doesn't work.
Task #2417: LocationsShow - edit LeftItem
Task #2441: How can I create my own bitcoin wallet?
Task #2486: Content: Writing: Goals are smart: achievable, timely, measurable, ...
Task #2586: [parent] 2022-09 User Interaction Improvements
Task #2456: should be able to add a photo newsitem from there, yes? - 8hr to deploy
Task #2553: Better message if email is unconfirmed (and better email letter styling! this will play into office_suite namespace, too)
Bugfix #2563: should not reload the page on unsuccessful login!
Task #2632: wire quick comments? use any old plugin.
Task #2529: chat and video looks easy?!
Bugfix #2554: 3rd image thumb should display in NewsitemGalleries
Bugfix #2572: Gotta scroll to top when changing location
Task #2331: [parent] [ [ T W O F O L D _ L A Y O U T ] ] TwofoldLayout ReactComponent
Bugfix #2577: Videos do not refresh on transitioning between locations, but should.
Bugfix #2582: bugfix: gallery outside locations view must scroll!
Task #2644: ItemModal should color match the theme. Right now, it's too light against dark theme.
Bugfix #2652: Use large photos in newsitemsGallery. thumbs look terrible
Task #2720: Illustration, Storytelling: A "cemetery" location, to be able to leave things there.
Task #2721: Illustration: A sign held up at a protest
Task #2722: Rails: allow bulk-moving photos from one gallery to another
Task #2723: Writing: Write an exploratory article about Starkware
Task #2732: age restriction modal must be back in, configurable per-install
Task #2749: Content: Economic Impact of Abortion Laws. Does pro-life policy increase supply of cheap labor?
Task #2760: UIUX: Need the UI of Yandex Translate re-done in Figma
Task #2762: Content: Writing: Re-write the two case studies at WasyaCo.
Bugfix #2780: uiux: language selector should look better on mobile
Task #2618: Illustration: the Language Learning room
Task #2784: writing: need the narrative story for the language vendor.
Task #2785: Write a single test for wasya_co_wp_theme
Task #2786: An article about brewing beer in-house
Task #2795: Contractor: Ruby on rails developer (newsitem pagination)
Task #2796: write about the art of collecting stones (suzeki) - next to art of fixing things with gold string.
Task #2802: Rewrite the case studies or add one
Task #2803: Announcement: The team adds AI-assisted writing capabilities.
Task #2805: 1d writing: contractor: regurgitate
Task #2823: a js library that zip-merges pdf documents
Task #2847: Looking for a video editor
Task #3110: Fix a deprecation error in drupal rules module
Task #3135: Translate to spanish
Task #3136: Replicate in Drupal
Task #3137: Write a Drupal controller (form submission method) that publishes to Instagram, when some Content is created
Task #3186: email filters, should be able to "sort by new"
Task #3227: Create a *selenium* project driven by *ruby* to fill out web forms
Task #3228: Scraper: get the whole list of all videos of a channel, into a db (paginate)
Task #3258: Talk about twitter files
Task #3259: talk about panama papers again
Task #3260: scrape H3 titles from wsj.
Task #3310: The Task: To provide a different form for creating an Article Content Type, depending on the role (Drupal 9.5)
Task #3410: How to create a simple reminders system for a calendar
Task #3491: BJJCollective Drupal Migration Task

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