Task #2618
Illustration: the Language Learning room
One of the locations is Language Learning. Graphically, there will be a dude, dressed as a magician (or a bum or whatever), you talk to him and he invites you to classes, and gives out participation awards.
This service and others, graphically, will be in a location called Marketplace. In a desert (or a medieval village or whatever), there is a town square or just a space with vendors' carts and kiosks and various shops. And the language vendor is one of the shops/participants. So there're two locations: the marketplace, where you can find the language vendor, and the language vendor's own space, be it a kiosk or whatever.
The language courses I have so far are: english for spaniards, english for brasilians, and: spanish, portuguese, polish, german, thai and czech for americans.
This task is for both (1) constructing the narrative, and (2) illustrating the narrative. First, constructing the narrative: what does the Language Vendor tell you, the user, and what responses you can give him. This will be implemented as a workflow, so for now, let's just focus on the phrases that constitute the dialogue.
Second, illustrating the narrative. This can be a comic strip (pretty long and thin), or a gallery of images, where clicking "next" gets you to the next comic panel / next phase in the dialogue.
Once the user start the class, there are "lessons" - 30 minute audio files. There is a checkbox that the user has to click after completion to go to the next lesson (will be implemented via workflows).
Some courses are free, some courses require payment. I'd like to have dialogue for both: free courses, and courses requiring payment.
Updated by victor piousbox over 2 years ago
- Subject changed from Content: language learning room to Content: Pimsleur Language learning room
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by victor piousbox over 2 years ago
- Project changed from Wasya Co to [P] Infinite Shelter
- Subject changed from Content: Pimsleur Language learning room to Content: Writing: Illustration: the Language Learning room
- Description updated (diff)
- Category deleted (
Updated by victor piousbox over 2 years ago
- Subject changed from Content: Writing: Illustration: the Language Learning room to Content: Illustration: the Language Learning room
- Category changed from 1D Writing to 2D Content
Updated by victor piousbox about 2 years ago
- Subject changed from Content: Illustration: the Language Learning room to Illustration: the Language Learning room