Task #3135
Translate wasyaco.com to spanish
- This is a simple task. Translate https://wasyaco.com to spanish. The most difficult part of it is setting up drupal locally.
- you must be able to setup drupal with required modules locally!
you must be able to write php code in local themes and modules!
You can use chatgpt, or google translate, to translate the content. Therefore, the task is easy.
Attached is the site map. Although there are more pages on this site, this task is for translating only the pages on the sitemap.
attached are composer json and lock files.
I will provide the database (mysql) dump
I will provide technical support and help you setup the project. (I am a senior developer myself.)
additional themes and modules are (you only need to install them, not change them):
** https://github.com/wasya-co/ish_drupal_theme
** https://github.com/wasya-co/ish_drupal_module
** https://github.com/wasya-co/wco_drupal_theme
** note: in each repo, the most current version is 0.x.0 where "x" is the lastest number, so for example for ish_drupal_module, the latest branch is 0.1.0