



From 2022-10-13 to 2022-11-11


12:50 AM [P] Infinite Shelter Task #2732 (New): age restriction modal must be back in, configurable per-install
victor piousbox


10:52 PM [P] Infinite Shelter Task #2723 (New): Writing: Write an exploratory article about Starkware
I know very little about these guys, have little time to do ...
victor piousbox
10:48 PM [P] Infinite Shelter Task #2722 (New): Rails: allow bulk-moving photos from one gallery to another

In galleries#show:
In section with "mini's":
1. Add a checkbox to each mini
2. add a form-field...
victor piousbox
10:02 PM [P] Infinite Shelter Task #2721 (New): Illustration: A sign held up at a protest
I want to make this a meme template, so it gotta be fairly simple.
The focus front and center is on just one sign,...
victor piousbox
09:58 PM [P] Infinite Shelter Task #2720 (New): Illustration, Storytelling: A "cemetery" location, to be able to leave things there.
If you want to leave something behind, maybe because it's dragging you down, but it follows you around and you just w... victor piousbox


09:06 AM [P] Infinite Shelter Bugfix #2715 (New): Changing a thumb of a Map should give you the option to change thumbs of all markers leading to this location.
victor piousbox

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